Wwf In Your House Pc

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Promotional poster featuringDateMay 26, 1996May 28, 1996CityVenueAttendance6,000 (Florence)4,500 (North Charleston)(s)It's TimePay-per-view chronology← PreviousNext →chronology← PreviousNext →In Your House 8: Beware of Dog was the eighth (PPV) produced by the (WWF), that originally took place on May 26, 1996, from the in.Due to a, the power went out during the event, resulting in only two matches being shown on pay-per-view and a series of. The televised event was rescheduled as 'Beware of Dog 2' and took place on May 28, 1996, at the in. The two matches televised from the May 26 event were shown again at the beginning of the rescheduled pay-per-view. The event is available to stream on the as one event, with no mention of the blackout.To date, this is the only pay-per-view event to ever be held in. Contents.Event May 26 Before the event aired live on pay-per-view, a match for the between the challengers, ( and ), and the champions, ( and ), was broadcast live on.

The Godwinns were accompanied. Several minutes into the match, Sunny appeared on the ring apron and approached Billy Gunn while Phineas and Bart wrestled inside the ring. Billy then grabbed Sunny and kissed her, causing Phineas to become distracted which allowed Bart to perform a and make the to win the WWF Tag Team Championship.Other on-screen personnel(May 26)Role:Name:CommentatorInterviewerRing announcerRefereeThe first match to air live on pay-per-view was a between (with ). Helmsley attempted to perform his finishing move, the, when Mero countered by grabbing Helmsley's legs out from under him and performed a, sending Helmsley head-first into the top of the ring post.

Mero covered a 'knocked-out' Helmsley for the pinfall.The next scheduled match was a between. At the beginning of the match, power to the arena and WWF satellite TV trucks went out and the pay-per-view feed cut out due to a severe thunderstorm. This match, along with the other scheduled matches, still took place but with little light in the arena and not broadcast on pay-per-view. The power and feed were restored just before the for the main event match.The main event of the night featured WWF World Heavyweight Champion defending the title against. Just before the match began, as scripted, Michaels was served a from Bulldog's storyline attorney. It stated that Michaels was a with the charge of 'attempted alienation of affection' due to the allegation of him making advances towards Bulldog's wife (storyline and real life), therefore causing strain in their marriage. The timing of the by Bulldog's camp was an attempt to throw Michaels off his game, giving Bulldog a better chance of winning the championship.

During the match, as part of the script, Bulldog accidentally ran into, knocking him out for a period of time. A replacement referee continued the match. Shawn Michaels performed a into a pinfall combination on Bulldog.

Wwf In Your House Pc Game Download


By this time, the original referee had regained his senses, and both referees counted the pinfall. Both wrestlers had their shoulders on the mat as Chioda counted Michaels' shoulders down, while Hebner counted Bulldog's down. Due to both wrestlers being pinned simultaneously, the match was ruled a and Michaels retained the.The version of the event jumps to this match after the opening match, after which the second part of the show streams. None of the matches that took place in the dark are included.May 28 Other on-screen personnel(May 28)Role:Name:CommentatorRing announcerBill DunnRefereeThe encore presentation of Beware of Dog was held live on Tuesday, May 28, 1996 and was entitled 'Beware of Dog 2'.

The event began by re-airing the two matches shown on pay-per-view from May 26 (Mero/Helmsley and Bulldog/Michaels). The first match that aired live on May 28 was a Caribbean Strap match between Steve Austin (with ) and Savio Vega. The previous night on Raw (May 27), Ted DiBiase announced that if Austin didn't beat Vega, DiBiase would leave the WWF. The match was back-and-forth until Austin wrapped a portion of the strap around Vega's neck and began to drag him around the ring with the strap over his shoulder. Austin started the process of touching all four corners to win the match, but Vega also touched the corners (without Austin's knowledge) as he was being tugged.

Wwf In Your House Pc

After Austin and Vega touched the third corner, Vega put up enough fight to force Austin to turn around. The two were now facing each other and Austin pulled on the strap, attempting to touch the last corner, but instead pulled with enough strength that Vega flew into the corner causing Austin to lose the match and DiBiase to leave the WWF.The following match was a standard match featuring (with ) versus. It began with Vader reluctant to engage with his opponent until Yokozuna gained control for most of the match. Eventually, Yokozuna became occupied with Cornette and attempted to perform his finishing move, the, on him when Vader pulled Cornette out of the way. Yokozuna missed his target which provided Vader the opportunity to deliver an to the leg, followed by a allowing him to make the pinfall.The next, and last match of the event was a for the between the champion, (with ), and the challenger, (with ).

During the match, Undertaker performed his signature to Goldust and went to roll him into the casket. However, when Undertaker opened the casket, appeared inside and locked-in his hold, positioned Undertaker into the casket and shut the lid, which resulted in Goldust winning the match and retaining the Intercontinental Championship.

After the match, Mankind sat on top of the casket until it suddenly started to smoke. Mankind retreated to the locker room while Paul Bearer and WWF officials tried to open the casket. When it eventually opened, the Undertaker was gone.

Wwf In Your House Pc

Sports Game

The arena lights darkened and Undertaker's entrance theme began to play as the pay-per-view signed off the air.The WWE Network version of the show picks up right after the Shawn Michaels/British Bulldog match with the Tuesday make up show.Reception The WWF earned 63,435 in ticket sales from the May 26 event with an attendance of 6,000. The pay-per-view received a buyrate of 0.45, which is the equivalent of approximately 180,000 buys. The event was released on in the United States on August 6, 1996. Results May 26 No.ResultsStipulationsTimes1 F( and ) defeated ( and ) (c) (with )for the04:572 DdefeatedUnknown3(with ) defeated16:234 Ddefeated (with )15:005 Ddefeated (with )03:006 D(c) (with ) defeated (with )for the08:007 Ddefeated (with )00:308(c) (with ) vs. (with, and ) ended in afor the17:219 Ddefeated07:0010 Ddefeated04:00.

WWF in Your HouseOne of the best wrestling games ever made, WWF in Your House is an excellent game developed by Sculptured Software that, for once, offers much greater depth and variety than lackluster ports of Acclaim's arcade games that preceded it. The game gives you the opportunity to play as one of ten WWF wrestlers; Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Shawn Michaels, The British Bulldog, The Undertaker, Ahmed Johnson, Goldust, Vader, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, and The Ultimate Warrior. Chris McMullen says it all about what makes this outstanding old game so much fun in his review for Games Domain:'WWF In Your House offers three different single player modes, and three different multiplayer modes.

Wwf In Your House Ps1

The former, once you have selected the costumed psycho you wish to play, pits you against a varying number of wrestlers, depending upon which option you have chosen; the hardest option has you facing wrestlers two and three at a time, culminating in a ten against one fight. Not for the ham-fisted; if your gaming diet consists totally of hex-based military strategy game, this is definitely not for you. But for those of you still reading, be prepared for a tough fight.In WWF wrestling, each wrestler has his own trademark moves, such as the Undertaker's Tombstone slam, and all of these have been faithfully duplicated in WWF In Your House. These are executed by the usual sequence of keypresses some, but not all of which are listed in the manual. There's none of the hyper-complicated 'spin the joypad five times, then press the seventh kick button with your foot' moves that most beat-em-ups are famous for; you can comfortably pull off most of these with the keyboard. Sculptured Software, the game's designers, have also added a number of other moves that you are less likely to see on television, such as fireballs, and stun attacks. Some characters can whip out various items such as chairs, cards, and headstones, and smack their opponents around the head with them.Sculptured Software have cleverly avoided turning WWF In Your House into a mindless button-pumping or joypad waggling fireball-fest.

Timing of moves is important; if you miss a move, you can find yourself vulnerable, and your opponent will be able to get his (potentially quite nasty) attack in. Throws and headlocks play a major part in the game; there are buckets of bone-crunching throws; each of which take different levels of expertise to pull off. However, if your opponent tries to get you in a headlock, and pull off a throw, if you're fast enough, you can pull a reversal move which will turn the tables on him, and introduce his face to the canvas. There's also various double damage bonuses for high-risk moves, and even fatality style finishing moves, although there's no blood or flying limbs; presumably the WWF is too 'nicey nicey' for that.

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And of course, there's the obligatory combos. This game doesn't do things by halves.WWF In Your House is a distinctly above average beat-em-up, and adds a hint of originality to the usual beat-em-ups that are available on the PC, and other systems. There's also a multi-player mode, allowing for up to 4 players, and various team / vs options. Sculptured have manage to take what could have been a duff licence, and create an excellent beat-em-up that is worthy of any beat-em-up fans attention.

It's playable, fun, and you can't ask for a lot more than that. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to put on a wierd wrestling costume, and taunt O.A.Ps.' Download full game now: (17000kB)WWF in Your House screenshotPeople who downloaded this game have also downloaded:,.