Facebook Page Likes Generator

14.01.2020by admin
Facebook Page Likes Generator Rating: 6,9/10 2384 reviews

So you started a Facebook community, but need more likes?Join the club.This is one of the most common questions I am asked by business owners. Typically, they want a lot of likesYesterdayfor freeSo I wanted to lay out a few ideas I have used (some more successful than others) and some ideas I plan to test out soon.1. Add a Facebook Like Box on Your WebsiteThis is a great way to convert your website visitors into Facebook fans and it’s free. If you are using WordPress, I recommend.Notice I do not use one on this site, and I explain why.Here is one on another site of ours;2.

  1. Facebook Page Likes Generator Free
  2. Free Facebook Page Likes

Post More Photos in Your Status UpdatesPhotos receive 53% more likes, 104% more comments and 84% more click-throughs according to.This is a post from yesterday. You can see it generated 29 likes, 103 comments, and it reached 2,266. Ask People to Share Your PageWith the new Facebook rules you can ask your fans to share and award someone who shares with a gift card (local restaurant, gas card, groceries, etc.) This is a great way to drive engagement and have some fun with your community.We gave away $10 gas cards and would receive 100+ shares on each post.

Have a Facebook ContestThis is also another way to get more likes, fast. Most contest applications allow you to force the person to like your page BEFORE entering the contest.When we run a contest, our main objective is to collect as many email addresses as possible, so we do not use this method, but it is a popular one. We have found when forcing them to like your page beforehand, not as many people will register for the contest.

Have a Sign in Your Office/Store FrontAnother simple way to generate likes, but you must entice them and give them a good reason to join.Do not use;Like us on Facebook – Boring!Follow us on Facebook – Why?Try something like;Come join our community on Facebook where we have monthly giveaways, share insider information, special promotions and funny pictures of Debbie, our crazy office assistant.See the difference?The first two are about you, the last one is about them. Make it about them! Jump in the ConversationThis is another method I really like using. You may not know, but you can act as the page owner.

Facebook Page Likes Generator Free

Let me explain: With your personal Facebook account you can like, comment & share on your friends/family status updates. Well, you can do the same with your business page.So you can reach out to other local businesses, charities you support, other colleagues and “like” their page.This would be your business liking them, not your personal profile. You can “act” as your business page and jump in the conversations on other business pages.Here is howI do this and I like other local pages.

Install crystal reports 2008 on windows 7 64 bit. I go through my feed and like/comment on other businesses pages. I also share other local businesses posts on my pages as well. Some share back, some don’t, but it’s a great chance to get my message in front of other pages.This method works and is very simple to do.Hint: Check out the news station pages, humane society, your local Chamber and non-profit pages. Usually, these pages are very active and have a lot of local fans. Be activeThis is key. Slow and steady wins the race in social media.

Posting 1-2 times/day helps keep engagement up and also helps generate more likes because no one wants to like an inactive page.Remember, share info-tainment (information+entertainment). You should be sharing helpful content about your business/industry and also entertaining content. If you can do both at the same time, awesome!

Promote in Your Email SignatureThis is a great place to add a link to ask your email recipients to join your community. This isn’t going to grow your fan page 10K+ overnight (unless you send a ton of email), but it’s simple to add and will generate some fans. Socially Cross PromotePromote your Facebook page on your Twitter profile, Google+, LinkedIn, YouTube and any other social network you are on. Don’t promote too often, but once/twice a week can generate more likes for your fan page. Newsletter PromotionIn your welcome email you should have links to your social media profiles.You do have an email database, right?If not, we need to talk NOW!Call me at 702-530-3881Email marketing can increase revenue by at least 15%, if ran properly. It is the best ROI (Return on Investment) in all online marketing.

Print Your Page on Your Receipts/InvoicesThis is another great place to ask for likes, but refer to tip #5 on how to word it. Facebook AdsThis is definitely the fastest way to grow a fan page, but it does cost money. Facebook’s ad platform lets you laser target your audience.Want your ad to only show to;. women from 32-42. that live in the 89148 zip code (that is where Social Sinergy World Headquarters is located). attended UNLV. and are marriedYou an do that.In fact, I did that exact targeting in the image below;As you can see, there are 120 women that fit the criteria above.

Free Facebook Page Likes

Talk about laser targeting, huh?It makes it much more effective than Google Adwords, not to mention, a ton cheaper. Connect with Other Pages in Your Local MarketReach out to other businesses and ask if they’d like to do a cross promotion.

This is a powerful strategy to generate more Facebook likes, but often times is overlooked.So let’s say you are a dentist and would like to cross promote with another business in your area.Why not reach out to;. The pizza parlor down the street. The auto mechanic you take your vehicle to. The chiropractor near your office.

The orthodontistThese are just a few examples, but I am sure you could think of more for your business. Forming strategic alliances with other businesses in your area can be very powerful.There is no risk, no cost and it’s all reward.More businesses need to leverage other businesses databases, good will and reputation more often. It is the fastest way to grow any business and something we cover in one of our pillars of the.(Sidenote: I will be blogging about this soon as only 5% of small businesses understand the power of joint venture partnerships) 14. Add a Link to Your Business CardSeems simple, and it is. I would suggest using a URL shortener like (what I use) or Facebook’s URL shortener. You can see a tutorial on how to use it.

PageFacebook page likes generator online

I have never used Facebook’s service before, but thought I would add it in there for you to check out. Ask!Send a request to all your connections on Facebook and ask them to join your community. This is not as effective as it once was because so many people do this and it’s looked at as spam.It’s free, it’s simple and it doesn’t hurt to ask. ConclusionFollow these 15 simple tips on how to get more likes on a Facebook page and you will have a community of raving fans. I promise you that.

You want to generate revenue, increase retention and your bottom line profits?Follow these simple steps and thank me later:).