How To Program A Currency Converter In Java

24.01.2020by admin
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Paul Clapham wrote:Well, that answers your original question, which was (to remind everyone reading this thread):Deepak Lal wrote:Please advice.What datastructure should i use for implementing this.So yes, that's a reasonable data structure to use. Do you have another specific question? 'How should I proceed now' isn't a specific question which can reasonably be answered on a forum, except by saying 'Next you should decide what you want to do with those data structures.' @Paul,I have written the data structure,so my next question is how should i implement the currency converter which i have been discussing in this thread.

Paul Clapham wrote:Deepak Lal wrote:@Paul,I have written the data structure,so my next question is how should i implement the currency converter which i have been discussing in this thread.Well, first you should decide what things you want it to do. Then you write code which does those things. So how about if you get started with that? List the things you want it to do.As i mentioned it should convert the currency rates(as it has been discussed in the orginal post also.)suppose i have 1 USD equivalent to 46 INR hence if i enter 12 USD it should give me the quivalent INR and point ot remember here is that INR rate is changing per sec/nanosec since im working in a real time Trade based Java this is what im supposed to do,hope you have got my understanding now.Could you please tell me how should my implementation code be for this. Deepak Lal wrote:suppose i have 1 USD equivalent to 46 INR hence if i enter 12 USD it should give me the quivalent INR and point ot remember here is that INR rate is changing per sec/nanosec since im working in a real time Trade based Java this is what im supposed to do,hope you have got my understanding now.Could you please tell me how should my implementation code be for this.First you should figure out what your requirements are. Write them down in a list. Then implement them one at a time.What you have posted there isn't a requirement.

It's a mish-mash of two separate requirements, namely. The code should calculate the number of INR corresponding to a given number of USD. Advanced funk drumming pdf. The code should use the most recent available conversion rates.Then once you have a list of requirements, you can focus on them separately. You can see from what you posted there that you can't think about doing an ordinary currency conversion because you started raving about nanoseconds. Just do one thing at a time.And by the way, an example isn't a requirement. Working from examples is likely to lead to problems because the examples usually don't cover the whole requirement.

Currency converter (or currency exchange) is a mini project coded in Java programming language. This simple application provides a web-based interface for exchanging/converting money from one currency (say $) to another currency (say €).The complete source code of currency exchange application can be downloaded from the link below. As this is just a mini project, project report and documentation are not available. You can go through the description below for project abstract.

How To Program A Currency Converter In Java Gui


Download Currency Converter Java Project with Source Codesociallockerwith Source Code/sociallocker Currency Converter Project Abstract:Different countries use different currency, and there is daily variation in these currencies relative to one another. Those who transfer money from one country to another (one currency to another) must be updated with the latest currency exchange rates in the market.Currency converter mini project is built keeping this thing in mind. It is simply a calculator-like app developed using Ajax, Java servlets web features. In this application, there is regular update about currency of every country by which it displays present currency market value and conversion rate.Such application can be used by any user, but it is mainly useful for business, shares, and related areas where money transfer and currency exchange takes place on a daily basis.In this currency converter app, users are provided with an option to select the type of conversion, i.e. From “this” currency to “that” currency.

Currency Converter Code In Java

This simple feature allows users to enter amount to be converted (say currency in Dollars), and display the converted amount (say currency in Euro).Here’s a sample code of this mini project.