Dark Arts Manifestation Program

17.12.2019by admin
Dark Arts Manifestation Program Rating: 5,7/10 3174 reviews

Dark Matter is one of the biggest mysteries to plague scientist for many years. Just to clear up any misconceptions, the concept of dark matter is NOT associated with negative energy. I just wanted to get that out of the way before I went any further. Dark matter makes up a whooping 80 percent of the universe. Dark matter is the cosmic glue that holds our solar system together.

Dark matter is the home to our planets, the stars, the galaxy and our subconscious minds. We also have dark matter in our bodies that hold our organs together. Dark matter is still a mystery to most scientist, but one thing that is known, it is very powerful! New space is constantly created because of the expansion of dark matter. Where ever there is empty space in the universe more is forming every second.

Dark matter is stronger than any energy scientist have ever known. It gets stronger and stronger as time passes and it moves rapidly. Ok, so enough with the science mumbo jumbo. We know that dark matter moves at the speed of light. I have devised a meditation, that will help you manifest your desires fast.

For example, money, a new car, a new house, love, friends etc. What ever your heart desires, we can use this rapid dark energy during meditation to move things faster. Remember dark matter is also the darkness in our subconscious mind. What ever we think about, it expands. When we think about the same thing repeatedly it grows faster and gets bigger and is pulled towards us, like a magnet. First, you want to find a quiet space, preferably inside a room alone. Once you master this meditation you can do it anywhere.

2nd you want to sit quietly or lay down, what ever your preference is for comfort. But don't get to comfortable and fall asleep, it happens sometimes and that is fine. Now, close your eyes. What do you see? You should see darkness and maybe some colors, or one color, within the dark matter. Usually purple or violet, if you see this color then you are at the crown chakra and ready for take off.

If you don't see the violet flame, it is ok. I want you to take three deep breaths. With the first deep inhalation, I want you to imagine seeing your self, inside the darkness of your mind. Now, take a deep inhale and imagine your body floating upward, outside of your subconscious, and into space.

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Thats right, see yourself being sucked higher and higher as you inhale. Now, exhale slowly, your body will stay suspended in that place of darkness. Now take another deep inhalation. Imagine your body being pulled higher and higher, you are know above the stars.

Open your eyes inside the meditation. Glance down, you can see the earth and other planets. Now exhale, slowly, your body will continue to stay in its spot above the stars and planets. Now, inhale again, as your body travels so high, it has been sucked in by the black matter. Feel the coldness of the black matter becoming one with your skin. Feel the tingles, as the blackness covers your entire body.

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You are now one with the dark matter and the universe. Now, while you are suspended in darkness, suspended in time, engulfed in the blackness that covers your skin. Feel the love of being hugged and nurtured by the darkness. Last step, visualize what you want, see it, feel it, become happy seeing this item, become grateful as if you already have it.

Now, thank the universe, and imagine yourself breaking free from the dark matter. Now, jump and dive down, fall fast and long back into your subconscious mind. See the darkness and come back to awareness and open your eyes. You have now completed the dark matter meditation to manifest your deepest desires fast. Once you open your eyes, you may come back to your conscious mind.

Or if you were lying down simple sit up slowly with your eyes open. Inhale and exhale slowly, you may be a little lite headed. You have just traveled outside of your body to manipulate time. While you were inside the dark matter, your desires and intentions moved at the speed of light. Now, remember, if your manifestations was for money, you have to do your part with this. You have to create a avenue for this money to flow to you.

You have already put strong intentions into the universe. For example, you are looking to start a online business, so you build a website or create an Etsy store to sale your items. This, is creating a avenue, a way for the money to flow to you.

If its a job your looking for, after the dark matter meditation, you need to be putting in applications. If you are manifesting love or a soulmate, you need to make yourself available. Not desperately looking for someone, but just getting out and enjoying yourself and loving life. Maybe joining a yoga class or something of your interest. If Good health is what you desire, actually putting in some research yourself for a particular aliment, is creating a avenue for your flow of good health.

Creating the avenue,is the last step in this process, you can even go back and repeat the dark matter meditation for the same desire. You can repeat the meditation as much as you want and for different desires. Have fun with this folks, please leave comments and questions below, Namaste! For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: Show Details NecessaryHubPages Device IDThis is used to identify particular browsers or devices when the access the service, and is used for security reasons.LoginThis is necessary to sign in to the HubPages Service.Google RecaptchaThis is used to prevent bots and spam.

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Dark Arts Manifestation Programs

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In this piece, I am drawing inspiration from aspects of my own memory regarding negative experiences I’ve encountered throughout my life, like prolonged bullying and an unstable household, and how they have affected me to this day. The repercussions from those memories is what led to my usage of escapism while growing up, and what also led to my own spiral into depression.From those experiences, I’m creating an installation piece to show this dark, abstract mass that is the embodiment of those thoughts and feelings around those memories.

The plastic used throughout the installation symbolizes the toxicity of these memories. By using the color black throughout the piece it adds to that negativity and depression and gives it the sense of heaviness that is felt.

Within the arrangement, the viewer is drawn into this dark mass that is meant to be uneasy, while emanating a sense of foreboding and apprehension. Meagan RunyonConway, SCMeagan Runyon is an artist working with memory and identity. She creates artwork containing the fantastical with an unsettling twist. Working in 2D and 3D, Meagan creates her art from personal events and their outcome while drawing from her use of daydreaming to create these pieces.

Her highly imaginative works find inspiration in Japanese otaku culture (the term otaku used mostly when describing people who have an interest in manga and anime), pop/nerd culture, creating cosplays, and attending comic/anime conventions. Upon graduating from Coastal Carolina University, Meagan was able to participate in an Iron Pour, the Water Media Society Exhibition, join a group of students to paint a mural, and was recently involved with an art exhibition in Sacramento, CA. ArtFields Lake City, SCApril 24 - May 2, 2020ArtFields is a charitable program and event sponsored by Lake City Creative Alliance, which is a federally-recognized Section 501(c)(3) organization located in Lake City, South Carolina. Its mission is to enhance the area schools and greater community through both creative and audience development by fostering a culturally-rich environment, connecting our communities through the arts, integrating arts into the education system, and serving as the lead in cultivating and advancing our region's creative economy.